Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Tiny Little Finger

Today in church I sat beside the cutest three year old you ever saw. He had big eyes, a mop of brown hair and a smile that could stop traffic. It was during the message that I noticed the little guy looking at my extremely large bible sitting on my lap. He looked up and smiled at me and I gently picked up my bible and sat it on his lap. He was quite the sight, this little disciple with the large study bible covering his lower body in its entirety. I watched him as he gently began turning the pages. Then I saw him stretch out his precious little pointer finger and begin running it along the lines of text. The look on his face showed that he was pretending to understand what he was seeing. He did this on several pages and then folded his hands to pray.

I was moved and inspired by the little boy's reverence for the Word of God. I was compelled to pray for him and his equally precious brother, that they would always be in awe of God's Word. That is my prayer for us all , that we would be in absolute awe of His Word and that we would have an insatiable hunger for it. That we would get out our pointer fingers everyday and touch the pages of our Bibles. Treating the truths there as valuable as a treasure chest of rare gems. Meditating on them until they move the twelve inches from our heads to our hearts where God plants them and uses them to change our lives. To conform us into the image of His Son Jesus.

So my friends....................Get out your pointer fingers and run them long the lines of text written to you from the God who loves you and has so much to say to you.

Follow the example of a child.... read in awe and bow for prayer.

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