Thursday, May 17, 2007

Trophies of Christ Victory!

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ victory] and through us spreads and make evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14 (AMP)

I love this verse. It makes me want to cheer. It gives me hope. Here is why!

1. Man, should we be thankful. Without Christ victory we would be in a world of hurt.

2. Because we are IN Christ, He always, not sometimes but ALWAYS leads us in triumph. We are not losers. (Contrary to popular opinion sometimes our own). We, in fact are winners. The enemy is the loser. We need to get this. Each day is a day of victory-no matter the circumstances.

3. We are trophies. I picture the bowling trophy with a little golden women. When I look at my own life I think that I must be a huge trophy -why? because He has led me through so much. He has covered so much and forgiven so much and loved so much when love was not deserved. I am a trophy of His grace and mercy and I am forever grateful that He loves me. And you should be grateful that He loves you and counts you as a trophy of His victory.

4. We are perfume atomizers. You know that fancy glass bottom your grandma had when you were growing up. I remember squeezing the ball and hearing and feeling and smelling the perfume spray out and fill the room with the fragrance. We are those bottles. WE are receptacles of His love and grace. God squeezes us and the fragrance of the knowledge of Him just wafts over people (did you like that word---waft?) When people are around us they should want to know Him.

Think of this................the next time you are tempted to feel like nothing. Get on a podium, raise one arm and point to the Father and be a trophy of Christ victory. Be thankful for His grace and be the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ in your area of influence.

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