Friday, May 4, 2007

Be Blessed!

How blessed the man you train, God, the woman you instruct in your Word.
Psalms 94:12 (MSG)

Blessing comes with instruction. The Holy Spirit is our teacher. God the Spirit whispering truth to us as we look at His Word. Isn't it amazing that the creator of the universe wants to instruct us.

I have had several teachers that have greatly impacted my life and by and large it is because they set aside time to invest in my education. As we choose to set aside time for God we find that He has been waiting for us and as long as we are sitting at His feet He is ready to teach us. We have His complete undivided attention.

I know as a teacher myself that I love seeing someone catch the concept that I am trying to teach. How delighted God is when we catch what He is saying and we allow that truth to travel that twelve inches from our heads to our hearts where it begins to transform us into the image of His Son. As true disciples we need to be learners. Always expecting to learn something whenever we read, study or hear God's Word.

My dear friends, be blessed as you allow Him to train and instruct you.

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