Earlier this evening we stopped by a friends house to say hi. We were discussing some of the funny videos that we had seen on the Internet when Mr. Friend decided to show me his favorite. The video clip loaded and there I was sitting at the desk in their living room looking at this clip of a small car with white smoke coming out of the tailpipe. Mr. Friend said," Keep your eye on the smoke so you don't miss it". I leaned in not wanting to miss whatever was going to happen. All of a sudden this very scary face pops on the screen. I didn't know that I could scream that loud nor did I know that I could move so fast. As I was laying on the floor of their living room with my heart pounding I heard the other three laughing like crazy. I scared their children half to death and it took me a good 5 minutes for my heart to stop pounding. VERY FUNNY!!!!!!
Life has startled me a bit, especially lately. Things happen you never expected. You jump back, even fall on the floor with your heart pounding. But thank God.......you eventually get up and carry on.
No matter what life brings us we can rest knowing that God sees it all before it comes our way. He is never startled. You will never catch Him by surprise. He never screams like a girl. He is a rock that we can lean on when we are taken by surprise. I am exceedingly thankful that He has promised us that He will never allow more than what we can handle, that all things work together for good for those that love Him, that He never wastes anything and will in fact use everything to conform us into the image of His Son, and most of all that He is still for us even when others aren't. He is a faithful God.
HMMMM........Maybe God allows us to be startled because He wants us out of the position we are in so that we have to go where He wants us to go. Lord, when you desire to move us......help us to move with lightening speed straight into the center of your will.
As far as Mr. Friend goes...........you do not have the last laugh. It's all on now.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
It's a Wild Household.
Sunday afternoon is one of my favorite times at my house. It always consists of lots of noise. We are a vocal household to say the least. I have three children, one daughter-in-law, a husband and two dogs. We have very unusual humor.
Today at lunch we were seeing who could touch their tongue to their nose. I am sure that we would have all been committed if someone was watching. We have been caught doing strange things before. At one of our previous addresses we were all together cooking dinner with some rather loud up beat music. OK it was 70's boogie music. Before we knew it we were all in the living room dancing like crazy people. My youngest son was really into it, he was spinning around spanking himself. We were all howling with laughter when I noticed that just outside our living room window was a bus stop and there was a bus full of people watching our crazy antics. We all screamed and ran from the living room. It dawned on me later that those people probably rode the same bus everyday and we were now probably the talk of the bus route. Every time there was a new regular they would fill them in on the weird dancing family.
Several years ago we were coming back from a visit in Kansas City and we stopped for dinner at a Chi Chi's in Fargo, South Dakota. We had ordered our food and the regular bedlam commenced. The children had received pin lights in their Christmas stocking. They thought it would be festive to put the pin light slightly up their nostril and turn themselves into Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I thought it was kind of cute and for some stupid reason I decided to give it a try. I had no sooner put the pin light in my nose when I heard, "Are we all OK here," said the manager of the restaurant. I was mortified. Of course he had not seen any of my children doing this just me. A typical Kolb moment.
My husband was the youth pastor at a small church and one evening we took our youth group to play laser tag. I went along for the ride. I had no intention of playing such a violent game. Each game was about 20 minutes in length and I sat and watched via the camera. It was rather exciting. When the laughing kids came out I wished that I had signed up for a game. Garry sensing my regret gave me one of his games. So decked out in all the laser tag gear I went through the orientation where they repeatedly said that they would not tolerate any running while the game was in session. They said it so much I was thinking to myself, "Man, do they think we are deaf"? We lined up and the doors opened and we all calmly walked in to get in position. I knew from watching the previous game that I was going to head for the tower so that I could pick people off from above. Surprisingly I only had to shoot two people on the way to the tower. (Did I mention that I was completely against such a violent youth activity?) At the end of the game the lights came up and we headed toward the exit. As we left we received our ranking. I couldn't believe it. I was #2 out of 30. I was beside myself. All I could think of was how could I get a ticket for the next game. I don't remember how I did it but I was in the next game and I was out for blood. I wanted to be #1. When the game began I tried everything I could to get to the tower but it was like everyone in the world was out to get me. I was getting shot left and right. Before I knew it I was running like a crazy woman. One of the attendants politely asked me to stop running. NO WAY!!!!! I was out to win. He asked again a little more forcefully. I just smiled. Then to my embarrassment he asked me to leave the game. What? Now I know why they repeatedly tell you the no running rule. Just call me Rambette!!! It took me a long time to live that down. Garry thought it was hilarious. And I wonder what is wrong with my children. Actually nothing. I love them and we have an absolute blast. 99% of the time anyway.
Today at lunch we were seeing who could touch their tongue to their nose. I am sure that we would have all been committed if someone was watching. We have been caught doing strange things before. At one of our previous addresses we were all together cooking dinner with some rather loud up beat music. OK it was 70's boogie music. Before we knew it we were all in the living room dancing like crazy people. My youngest son was really into it, he was spinning around spanking himself. We were all howling with laughter when I noticed that just outside our living room window was a bus stop and there was a bus full of people watching our crazy antics. We all screamed and ran from the living room. It dawned on me later that those people probably rode the same bus everyday and we were now probably the talk of the bus route. Every time there was a new regular they would fill them in on the weird dancing family.
Several years ago we were coming back from a visit in Kansas City and we stopped for dinner at a Chi Chi's in Fargo, South Dakota. We had ordered our food and the regular bedlam commenced. The children had received pin lights in their Christmas stocking. They thought it would be festive to put the pin light slightly up their nostril and turn themselves into Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I thought it was kind of cute and for some stupid reason I decided to give it a try. I had no sooner put the pin light in my nose when I heard, "Are we all OK here," said the manager of the restaurant. I was mortified. Of course he had not seen any of my children doing this just me. A typical Kolb moment.
My husband was the youth pastor at a small church and one evening we took our youth group to play laser tag. I went along for the ride. I had no intention of playing such a violent game. Each game was about 20 minutes in length and I sat and watched via the camera. It was rather exciting. When the laughing kids came out I wished that I had signed up for a game. Garry sensing my regret gave me one of his games. So decked out in all the laser tag gear I went through the orientation where they repeatedly said that they would not tolerate any running while the game was in session. They said it so much I was thinking to myself, "Man, do they think we are deaf"? We lined up and the doors opened and we all calmly walked in to get in position. I knew from watching the previous game that I was going to head for the tower so that I could pick people off from above. Surprisingly I only had to shoot two people on the way to the tower. (Did I mention that I was completely against such a violent youth activity?) At the end of the game the lights came up and we headed toward the exit. As we left we received our ranking. I couldn't believe it. I was #2 out of 30. I was beside myself. All I could think of was how could I get a ticket for the next game. I don't remember how I did it but I was in the next game and I was out for blood. I wanted to be #1. When the game began I tried everything I could to get to the tower but it was like everyone in the world was out to get me. I was getting shot left and right. Before I knew it I was running like a crazy woman. One of the attendants politely asked me to stop running. NO WAY!!!!! I was out to win. He asked again a little more forcefully. I just smiled. Then to my embarrassment he asked me to leave the game. What? Now I know why they repeatedly tell you the no running rule. Just call me Rambette!!! It took me a long time to live that down. Garry thought it was hilarious. And I wonder what is wrong with my children. Actually nothing. I love them and we have an absolute blast. 99% of the time anyway.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
An Unexpected Treat
Several years ago I was traveling home from Albuquerque, New Mexico where I had been attending a vacation bible school conference for a week. I love to fly. I relish the idea of being able to sit in one place for several hours reading a good book with no one bugging me. It is even more fantastic that someone is bringing me peanuts (not anymore with the peanut allergies, I think it was sesame sticks the last time I flew) and a diet coke. I love the window seat so that I can view the world above the clouds. I would raise my hands on take off except people stare at you like you have four heads when you do that. Yes, I know this from experience.
This particular flight was an unexpected treat. Instead of flying north over the prairies our plane fl
ew along the edge of the Rocky Mountains. I am a mountain girl at heart. I spent one week most summers while I was growing up in the San Grade Cristo Mountains at a Christian family camp named Horn Creek. These rugged mountains look over the Wet Mountain Valley to the foot hills where Green Horn Mountain sits staring back at our beloved mountain range. The camp sits at the foot of Horn Peak, the only 14,000 ft mountain that I have or will ever climb. So many summers I walked rainbow trail experiencing how big God is by being in the scenery He created and recognizing how incredibly small and seemingly insignificant I was and accepting the heart stopping truth that He loved me enough to die for me. Those were huge moments in my spiritual growth. I would sit on the edge of the back seat of our family car driving my parents absolutely nuts hanging over the back of the front seat so that I could get the first glimpse of the mountains and I would stare out the back window through tear filled eyes as we left a week later. This is my favorite place in the whole world.
As we were flying along the mountain range I saw out the window of the seat in front of me a huge mountain. For some reason it seemed extremely familiar to me. I love geography and maps so once I figured out that the monstrous mountain was in fact Pike’s Peak I was able to work my way back through my mental map and pick out Green Horn Mountain then the Wet Mountain Valley until my eyes rested on The San Grade Cristos and Horn Peak where my little family camp nestled at its foot. I gasped as I realized that God had given me a wonderful present. I hadn’t been there for years and years. I had often thought of that place with tears knowing that I would probably never be able to go there again. I had no idea that morning as I boarded the plane that I was going to get a 15 minute bird’s eye view of my heaven on earth.
I stared out my plane window for as long as the view allowed and then sat forward with closed eyes and tears of absolute joy streaming down my face and thanking my God for this kiss on the cheek. It was like He had His hands over my face and said, “TA DA”. I could almost see Him smile as He watched me just enjoy the view. What an amazing God we have that He wants to thrill us with His love.
This particular flight was an unexpected treat. Instead of flying north over the prairies our plane fl

As we were flying along the mountain range I saw out the window of the seat in front of me a huge mountain. For some reason it seemed extremely familiar to me. I love geography and maps so once I figured out that the monstrous mountain was in fact Pike’s Peak I was able to work my way back through my mental map and pick out Green Horn Mountain then the Wet Mountain Valley until my eyes rested on The San Grade Cristos and Horn Peak where my little family camp nestled at its foot. I gasped as I realized that God had given me a wonderful present. I hadn’t been there for years and years. I had often thought of that place with tears knowing that I would probably never be able to go there again. I had no idea that morning as I boarded the plane that I was going to get a 15 minute bird’s eye view of my heaven on earth.
I stared out my plane window for as long as the view allowed and then sat forward with closed eyes and tears of absolute joy streaming down my face and thanking my God for this kiss on the cheek. It was like He had His hands over my face and said, “TA DA”. I could almost see Him smile as He watched me just enjoy the view. What an amazing God we have that He wants to thrill us with His love.
More Beautiful Than Diamonds
The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear and points out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes.
God's reputation is twenty-four carat gold, with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree.
God's Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between two emeralds.
You'll like it better than strawberries in spring, better then red, ripe strawberries.
Psalms 19:7-9 (The Message)
Several years ago my husband and I were on a date. The big event was an ice cream cone while walking at the mall. Those were the days when money was tight and dates required some imagination. I love things that sparkle so the jewelry store was a favorite stop. We wandered through the store while I gazed at all the "bling". Then I saw it. It was all alone on a pedestal of black velvet. The most beautiful diamond ring I had ever laid my eyes on. I asked if I could try it on and watched as my hand shook with the anticipation of the weight of it. That should tell you something of the size of the stone. I looked at Garry and he smiled as he said, "It's yours, but it will have to live here and you can come for visitation". We had a good laugh and you better believe that I did visit my ring every once in a while. My heart was broken one day when I went into the jewelry store to find that someone had purchased my ring. For months I would find myself looking at other women's hands to see if they had my ring. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had actually seen it.
At this time my husband was on staff at a small church where he led worship. On one Sunday we had a guest worship leader and we had the treat of being in the congregation to worship. One of my least favorite songs was "More precious than silver". Don't ask me why I didn't like it, I just didn't. About half way through the worship time the worship leader began singing this song. I was not impressed. The words go like this if you don't know the song. Lord, you are more precious then silver Lord, you are more costly then gold Lord, you are more beautiful then diamonds And nothing I desire compares with you. Well, when we got to the third and fourth line I began to weep.
When was the last time I was breathless when it came to spending time with Jesus. My hands would shake over a hunk of shiny rock but not the precious Son of God. This song in now my favorite. He is more beautiful than diamonds. The more time I spend with Him in His Word more facets of His flawless character are relieved. He truly takes my breath away. Nothing compares with Him.
The signposts of God are clear and points out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes.
God's reputation is twenty-four carat gold, with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree.
God's Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between two emeralds.
You'll like it better than strawberries in spring, better then red, ripe strawberries.
Psalms 19:7-9 (The Message)
Several years ago my husband and I were on a date. The big event was an ice cream cone while walking at the mall. Those were the days when money was tight and dates required some imagination. I love things that sparkle so the jewelry store was a favorite stop. We wandered through the store while I gazed at all the "bling". Then I saw it. It was all alone on a pedestal of black velvet. The most beautiful diamond ring I had ever laid my eyes on. I asked if I could try it on and watched as my hand shook with the anticipation of the weight of it. That should tell you something of the size of the stone. I looked at Garry and he smiled as he said, "It's yours, but it will have to live here and you can come for visitation". We had a good laugh and you better believe that I did visit my ring every once in a while. My heart was broken one day when I went into the jewelry store to find that someone had purchased my ring. For months I would find myself looking at other women's hands to see if they had my ring. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had actually seen it.

At this time my husband was on staff at a small church where he led worship. On one Sunday we had a guest worship leader and we had the treat of being in the congregation to worship. One of my least favorite songs was "More precious than silver". Don't ask me why I didn't like it, I just didn't. About half way through the worship time the worship leader began singing this song. I was not impressed. The words go like this if you don't know the song. Lord, you are more precious then silver Lord, you are more costly then gold Lord, you are more beautiful then diamonds And nothing I desire compares with you. Well, when we got to the third and fourth line I began to weep.
When was the last time I was breathless when it came to spending time with Jesus. My hands would shake over a hunk of shiny rock but not the precious Son of God. This song in now my favorite. He is more beautiful than diamonds. The more time I spend with Him in His Word more facets of His flawless character are relieved. He truly takes my breath away. Nothing compares with Him.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Location
I love to wear hats although I rarely get to. I enjoy hats with unusual shape. There is nothing more fun than going into a hat shop and trying on all the hats. Every color and shape under the sun. I use to tease my children that I was going to wear the biggest hat I could find to their weddings. My oldest son was so relieved when he escorted me down the aisle at his wedding minus a very large hat. My favorite type of hats are the those that hide part of your face. It makes me feel mysterious, something that I don't usually feel. Most everyone knows exactly what I am thinking at any given moment. No mystery here!!!!!! Several years ago I had a beautiful white straw hat that I called my "wedding hat". I wore it to an outdoor wedding. The brim of the hat covered the top half of my face shielding me nicely from the sun but allowing me to see all through the weave of the straw. I felt great in it, yes even beautiful. This hat allowed me to observe my surroundings almost in privacy at least it felt that way. As I thought about my blog spot I thought about wearing that hat and sharing thoughts about life while observing it from under my hat. Under my hat........the location of my thoughts.
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