Friday, June 8, 2007

I met John Boy at Target!

In a previous blog entry I mentioned my love for The Walton's. You know that T.V. series from the seventies. I left for Rochester with the girls the next morning after entering that blog. We made great time which allowed plenty of time to shop at my favourite place. Target! (Pronounced Tar-jay) We set the time and place for us to meet and headed off in different directions to shop. I only needed a few small items that I had forgot so I was killing time meandering through the store. I was in the music/video section all by myself when I started humming the theme song to the Walton's show. I was still thinking about the blog entry from the day before. The weirdest thing happened. As I am humming I find myself looking into the eyes of John Boy Walton. That's right! In front of my face was the 5Th season of the show on DVD. I have never seen that before nor would I have ever guessed that they would even have an old show like that on DVD. So.........I bought it.

We all check out and everyone is showing what they had bought and I proudly showed my eye liner, body spray and the 5th season of the Walton's. They all just looked at me. I had to explain why this was special to me. My thinking was that we could watch a few episodes on the way home on the DVD player in the van.

Here is the funny part......On the way home we decided to watch not the Walton's but the DVD of the comedian we had seen at Women of Faith. So Kimberley reached up and pulled down the screen. It wasn't a screen but a sunglasses holder. This was a rental van. We thought we had a DVD player and it was a sunglasses holder. This is classic "us".

Earlier tonight I watched the first episode of season 5. As soon as I heard the theme song I start tearing up. I loved it. It is just plain good wholesome TV. Yea!!!! John Boy!

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