As December neared its end I became more and more reflective. I started to see the finish line of 2007 ahead. At first, it was just a speck but as the month progressed it became larger and I saw the words "Finish Line". It became my focus, my goal. My spiritual muscles were burning and my heart was pounding from the course of this year. I found myself saying over and over again. "I am going to make it"! I heard the feet of Jesus running beside me. I saw the pleasure of His excited grin as I turned to Him and heard the clapping of His hands of encouragement as I grimaced and tried to catch my breath.
I was in a large crowd on New Year's Eve and as the clock struck midnight It occured to me that Jesus and I had crossed the finish line of not just 2007 but the finish line of the last 10 years. 1997-2007 has proved to be the biggest challenge of my life. Countless trials have come our way. At times my faith has been shook to the core. The enemy has launched some of his most heinous attacks and while I bear some of the scares of those attacks I know now more then ever before that God is faithful. He is absolutely for me and has been running with me when I have had the courage to run and has set down with me when I felt like I couldn't go any farther. He wrapped my ankles when I turned them and bandaged the scrapes when I tripped myself up. He has never left me. Not once. When I ran the gauntlet and felt the blows He ran it with me.
Today I feel like Jesus and I are walking it off. Panting!!!!! I feeling the elation of having made the long trek. I have learned endurance. I have learned persistence. I have learned the art of spiritual warfare. I have available to me and have put on the full armour of God and I have learned how to use it. Mainly from trying to function without it and failing. I have learned to continue when everyone else's race went a different direction. I am not afraid to be alone. I am not afraid of the future. I am not afraid of people's opinion, only God's. I am more determined to make knowing Him my purpose. I have experienced His mercy. I have felt the overwhelming power of His forgiveness and grace. I have felt His approval. He is my everything. My all in all. I am thankful for all that I have learned this past 10 years and rest in knowing that He will waste nothing that has happened in it. That He is using it all to conform me to the image of His Son. Whoa!!!!!!! Victory!!!!
I know that the race is continuing and Jesus and I are at the starting line of the continued course. There will be trials ahead but we will be victorious in the treachery of the enemy ahead. I rest in the confidence that I will never run alone. The sound of His feet pounding beside me will comfort me. I will hear his Word in my ear and feel his mighty arm of protection upon me. I will praise him with my running. I will do all I can to gather more runners as I go and make them into runners (disciples).

The excitement of a new beginning is on me and the staring pistol has been raised. Jesus and I are ready for the shot. I can't stop smiling and I hear him laughing. Our heads are down and BANG we have started. The pace is slow today as we find our rhythm but as 2008 progresses I have a feeling the the spiritual muscles developed on the previous portion of my race has prepared me for this present portion. I don't know exactly what is around the next bend but I am not afraid. In fact, I am very excited.
I was in a large crowd on New Year's Eve and as the clock struck midnight It occured to me that Jesus and I had crossed the finish line of not just 2007 but the finish line of the last 10 years. 1997-2007 has proved to be the biggest challenge of my life. Countless trials have come our way. At times my faith has been shook to the core. The enemy has launched some of his most heinous attacks and while I bear some of the scares of those attacks I know now more then ever before that God is faithful. He is absolutely for me and has been running with me when I have had the courage to run and has set down with me when I felt like I couldn't go any farther. He wrapped my ankles when I turned them and bandaged the scrapes when I tripped myself up. He has never left me. Not once. When I ran the gauntlet and felt the blows He ran it with me.
Today I feel like Jesus and I are walking it off. Panting!!!!! I feeling the elation of having made the long trek. I have learned endurance. I have learned persistence. I have learned the art of spiritual warfare. I have available to me and have put on the full armour of God and I have learned how to use it. Mainly from trying to function without it and failing. I have learned to continue when everyone else's race went a different direction. I am not afraid to be alone. I am not afraid of the future. I am not afraid of people's opinion, only God's. I am more determined to make knowing Him my purpose. I have experienced His mercy. I have felt the overwhelming power of His forgiveness and grace. I have felt His approval. He is my everything. My all in all. I am thankful for all that I have learned this past 10 years and rest in knowing that He will waste nothing that has happened in it. That He is using it all to conform me to the image of His Son. Whoa!!!!!!! Victory!!!!
I know that the race is continuing and Jesus and I are at the starting line of the continued course. There will be trials ahead but we will be victorious in the treachery of the enemy ahead. I rest in the confidence that I will never run alone. The sound of His feet pounding beside me will comfort me. I will hear his Word in my ear and feel his mighty arm of protection upon me. I will praise him with my running. I will do all I can to gather more runners as I go and make them into runners (disciples).

The excitement of a new beginning is on me and the staring pistol has been raised. Jesus and I are ready for the shot. I can't stop smiling and I hear him laughing. Our heads are down and BANG we have started. The pace is slow today as we find our rhythm but as 2008 progresses I have a feeling the the spiritual muscles developed on the previous portion of my race has prepared me for this present portion. I don't know exactly what is around the next bend but I am not afraid. In fact, I am very excited.
Anita, I'm so proud to see how you have "won the race" of 2007. No small feat - but God IS faithful and his promises ARE true.
I am so excited to be part of what He has in store for you (and me) in 2008, knowing that we can't fail with Him. If He is for us who can be against us?
It has been quite a year hasn't it. I am looking forward to the amazing things God has in store for this next year. Let's not forget to take in the amazing scenery as we run the marathon, despite the cramps!
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